Alan Cressler: Guadalupe Mountains, The Rim, Lincoln National Forest, Eddy County, New Mexico 1
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Many years ago I read a book called "The andean prophecy", occurring in Peru. 3 weeks ago, I visited a forest reminding me how these andean forests seemed beautiful, magical. I felt enchanted and grateful to visit it with my guide Karol Pulido in Colombia
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Pale colored Masdevallia arminii in situ, endemic (exclusive) from Colombia. One of my best observations in 2024. I like so much species from the subsection caudatae of Masdevallia that it is always a great moment to see one of these in the wild !!!
fotosynthesys: Drosera cistiflora (coral pink flower) DSC_8635
Alan Cressler: Maritime Forest, Quercus virginiana and Serenoa repens, Jekyll Island, Glynn County, Georgia 2
Alan Cressler: Maritime Forest, Quercus virginiana and Serenoa repens, Jekyll Island, Glynn County, Georgia 1
marlin harms: Those Special, Old Coast Live Oaks
FWC Research: Peppermint shrimp - rostrum
Alan Cressler: Paronychia herniarioides, Sandhill Habitat, Tattnall County, Georgia 1
bogyawn: Carex fraseriana, Nantahala National Forest, Clay County, North Carolina 3
cclborneo: Nepenthes masoalensis
Ben Caledonia: Grotte de Pethoen
Alan Cressler: West Fork Rock Creek Trail, Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, Custer National Forest, Carbon County, Montana 1
Alan Cressler: Giant Springs, Giant Springs State Park, Great Falls, Cascade County, Montana 3
Alan Cressler: Sulphur Spring, Lewis and Clark National Forest, Cascade County, Montana 6
Alan Cressler: Hot Springs, GAPNN056 (left), GAPNN057 (left), Artists' Paintpots, Yellowstone National Park, Park County, Wyoming 1
Alan Cressler: Mud Cauldron, Mud Volcano Group, Yellowstone National Park, Teton County, Wyoming 1
Kevin Bryant, DMD: IMG_4671wb Buffalo Trunkfish (Lactophrys trigonus)
Alan Cressler: Key Biscayne, Fossil Reef, Virginia Key, Bear Cut, Miami, Miami-Dade County, Florida 4
wanderflechten: Opuntia species
marlin harms: Opuntia polyacantha, Plains Pricklypear Above the Lake
RonParsonsflowershots: Adansonia rubrostipa
RonParsonsflowershots: Grammangis spectabilis
RonParsonsflowershots: Baobab (Adansonia za)
RonParsonsflowershots: Bismarkia nobilis
RonParsonsflowershots: Eulophia ramosa
RonParsonsflowershots: Cliff burial
RonParsonsflowershots: Pachypodium rosulatum ssp. gracilius and Aloe imalotensis var. imalotensis
Hans Hillewaert: Ampithoe rubricata
Hans Hillewaert: Iphinoe trispinosa