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Risa Bright: LAQ Zahra!
*Seduce* on Holidays: Alexander and Bucephalus
Tayla_Ordinary: Total Eclipse of the Heart
jasminlu1: XX835XX
rockevran: Lord of the Clouds ;)
Nadjuana: AngelsUnitedInLove
Nadjuana: Just need an Ice Cold Beer
Fem Janssen: Relax... Don't do today what you can do mañana
Fem Janssen: MmMmm.. Who is playing this game with me?
Dutch Galaxy: Get the Point?
SLWandern: 2024 Winter Showcase
tasharainfordsl: Snowed in at Angelic Bay - TashaRainfod
PJ Blackherz (Blogger and Photo: 'Angelic Bay' (photo contest)
AdrianaAnne Resident: There's Magic in the Air
Nadjuana: Ancient Greek Scene