kirousity: katy is all in.
kirousity: Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
free bliss: Kris - mid afternoon light.
free bliss: Roger down in the yards
legodood: Halo 2
ViewsForMe: Minecraft: TheSuckyGamers play Mo’ Creatures Mod Ep1
Gumper Van Lier: Minecraft
.esratac: executions series
.esratac: L'importante è finire
兔比: La Pianiste
Darío Carlini: "La pianiste" (Michael Haneke, 2001)
j.leaud: Made in USA
ätherwellen: Made in USA (1966) Anna Karina
nintonch: me & my car
Pierst179: 42-18090641
Peter Hutchins: The Velvet Underground Experience | A New York Exhibition
Peter Hutchins: The Velvet Underground Experience | A New York Exhibition
Herr Olaf: nico <3
hy147: "Reflect what you are..."
dwhartwig: The Velvet Underground & Nico (Stereo) 1st press (torso)
sittingdoe: Now spinning the Velvet Underground and Nico.
hipecac: Week End (Jean Luc Godard)