phchelin001: Scoot toujours. No translation!
phchelin001: Fontana Maggiore : Quando i Santi prendono il brivido...
phchelin001: Keep your right
phchelin001: Hey! You...
phchelin001: Farewell
phchelin001: The other shore
phchelin001: A sea worker
phchelin001: Alone and happy to be so...
phchelin001: Spider Art
phchelin001: Like a postcard
phchelin001: "Ni Français, ni Breton, Malouin suis "
phchelin001: Three white sails
phchelin001: La fenêtre d'en face
phchelin001: Somewhere under the sun
phchelin001: Hey! Look at us. We are happy!
phchelin001: En banc par deux.../No more than two per bench...
phchelin001: Place du Tertre. La vie d'artiste...
phchelin001: Dock manoeuvres. It's serious
phchelin001: Full salted eyes/Quand les yeux sont pleins de larmes
phchelin001: Vintage Black &White for a vintage sailboat
phchelin001: La "Jane"
phchelin001: Poulin blue apple
phchelin001: North cardinal - Saint Malo
phchelin001: When harbour rhymes with mirror
phchelin001: Busy Bee
phchelin001: Mystery pond
phchelin001: They are coming...
phchelin001: Le Chat