stubborndonkey: It's not that i fear what the future may bring. I'm simply afraid of those who claim that they will bring the future for me
The Sunny side of the Moon: The Shadow of a blurry Dream
stubborndonkey: New sight from an old window
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Dogs that bark don't bite. But if you don't want to step in their shit, you simply throw it in the garbage bin. That's only logical.
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Widerstand (resistance)
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: All in this world gets upside down. But not the „Otherworld“ Home.
The Sunny side of the Moon: Wade in the Water
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: "We don't stop playing when we grow old, we grow old when we stop playing."
stubborndonkey: Metropolis
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Neither good nor bad but mine. (ours)
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: But you'll stir up and I'll raise my bowed body. Then I'll start to breathe again. Simply starting to breathe
stubborndonkey: Smile! You are on Camera
The Sunny side of the Moon: Traditional Greek Circle Dance
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Real superheroes are not found in comics and you can meet them in every conceivable form. My moon only wears flags as a cape and doesn't attach any importance to it.
The Sunny side of the Moon: Per aspera ad astra
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: The eternity of the tides carves your face, but I remain young, a moment preserved in salt, the flapping of the bird's wings in the wind, enclosed like a rare insect in amber, that you've found
stubborndonkey: Neinstein's Bing Bang Boom- Nonsense Theory
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Far too long you lived in possible perspectives, racking shots from one point to the next. Now tell me, how does it feel to be an outsider at the edge of a perfect day?
stubborndonkey: Fast-Growing Strange Trees
The Sunny side of the Moon: The Funniest Joke in the World
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: That’s our night without darkness, my Sunny Side of the Moon. I love You
stubborndonkey: The Ever-Changing River
The Sunny side of the Moon: Dance like nobody's watching
stubborndonkey: Perpetuum mobile
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Some things aren't easy to grasp, are like floatsam between the tides
The Sunny side of the Moon: The Best Camera Is The One That you Have With You,
Sunbeam on the Moon - Lizaki: Like the ocean runs into the rock, not to harm it, but to form it to something gently resistant.