floriusquimbert: FQ97. Le cloitre
jeanmical: " Being detached from the world..."
Jorgepevet: Bologna
jantoniojess: El túnel
dalmau.jordi: BARCELONA2478
Fragile Decay: Two Religions on a pillow, the devil sleeps between them.
patuffel: Following the Curve
puuuuuuuuce: Galata bridge, Istanbul
llabe: Sunday Morning, Omak
Westographer: Golden Point
_Bruno Cunha_: Tunisia, 2024
Gladys Klip: Aalscholver / Cormorant / Cormoran
mystero233: Good morning
ynatentive: ⭐bébé vert
Beppe Rijs: Under Force of a Magnet - #explored 18.06.2024
Frank Hendriks Photography: Our educational system tells us that we can all be big-ass winners. It hasn't told us about the gutters or the suicides. Or the terror of one person aching in one place alone untouched unspoken to watering a plant.
Ken Krach Photography: Arches National Park
Jan van der Wolf: Side of a apartment building
Jörg Schäfer: Marrakech Still Life
Blende1.8: the new elegant classic