Paula 1558: Works Christmas do xx
ShinyPenny77: Glam arcading
Rachel Oliver .: Guess what Sam's making me tonight? Yes, you've guest it! It's pizza! ๐Ÿ˜†
Rachel Oliver .: Brrr, it was a proper chilly one today! Stroll on, summerโ€”I am so not built for winter! โ„๏ธโ˜€๏ธ
jessicajane9: Fuchsia Femme
AbbyCatsUK: Latex & Curls ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿพ
ShinyPenny77: Black and white
ShinyPenny77: Slinky
mayatoronto1: 20241214_223310(1)
Monica Galvez: Session with Gordon at The Makeovers room - Liverpool
Monica Galvez: Let's go for some out of the blue
Monica Galvez: Something more elegant
Monica Galvez: Showing some shoulder
Monica Galvez: Session with Gordon at The Makeovers room - Liverpool
jennifer.stepford: Casual like.