concreek.21: Contemplation bench
concreek.21: Northern Pygmy owl ( glaucidium gnoma )
concreek.21: Boreal owl hanging out sunning up on Boxing day.
concreek.21: Flip side .... not so Merry elsewhere !
concreek.21: Stillness
concreek.21: Close to headwaters of Fraser river
concreek.21: Give me the wide open spaces ..
concreek.21: Dont fence me in
concreek.21: Left the kit and kibuddle ...
concreek.21: Shy Kestrel
concreek.21: Elk island National park
concreek.21: Looking back ...
concreek.21: Great grey owl largest of the owls in NA
concreek.21: Northern hawk owl
concreek.21: Mother Natures ornaments
concreek.21: Rexall Place home of Edmonton Oilers
concreek.21: Clifford E Lee bird sanctuary Parkland county AB
concreek.21: Lazy Saturday morn in town