Piet Krom 2: Times change. (but learning is of all times)
Piet Krom 2: Hard honest work !!
Piet Krom 2: Burning off the waste/scrap wood.
Piet Krom 2: Misty future.
Piet Krom 2: Museum of modern - Stained Glass- art.
Piet Krom 2: Local market.
Piet Krom 2: The workhorse.
Piet Krom 2: Staying alert during the nightwatch.
Piet Krom 2: Heading for a fresh pasture.
Piet Krom 2: Another long day for the Captain.
Piet Krom 2: Laundry day.
Piet Krom 2: Keeping a watchful eye out!
Piet Krom 2: You can't get them any fresher.
Piet Krom 2: After a long sea voyage!
Piet Krom 2: The clock fixer.
Piet Krom 2: Their project.
Piet Krom 2: A new "Masterpiece" in the making.... (when he finds his inspiration)
Piet Krom 2: Ladies peeling shrimps ( in the old days ).
Piet Krom 2: The Master boat builder.
Piet Krom 2: Checking his nets.
Piet Krom 2: Hand - to - hand negotiation.
Piet Krom 2: The old pottery.
Piet Krom 2: Old navigation.
Piet Krom 2: Modern navigation !!
Piet Krom 2: Good morning.