flissb778: Stansted Airport
flissb778: Stansted Airport
flissb778: Stansted Airport
flissb778: Stansted Airport
flissb778: Stansted Airport
flissb778: Recent college
flissb778: Recent college
flissb778: Recent college
flissb778: Recent college
flissb778: Recent college
flissb778: Recent college
ACon780: Westmill Farm, Ware
ACon780: Westmill Farm, Ware
flissb778: Stick man attempt 2
flissb778: Stick man attempt 1
flissb778: Stick man and his diplodocus
flissb778: car headlight shot f5.6
flissb778: Blurred bangers, everybody else in focus
flissb778: fast car, car in focus, background and foreground blurred
flissb778: car and background static-ish