s-723707085: Final 5 - Street Photography
s-723707085: Final 5 - Lego Figures in the Real World
s-723707085: Final 5 - Landscape
s-723707085: Final 5 - Black & White Portrait
s-723707085: Final 5 - Still Life of Oranges and Strawberries
s-723707085: Abstract - DECAY
s-723707085: Abstract - ORGANIZATION
s-723707085: Abstract - REFLECTION
s-723707085: Abstract - SHADOW
s-723707085: Abstract - MANMADE
s-723707085: Abstract - HUMAN FORM
s-723707085: Abstract - MOTION
s-723707085: Abstract - NATURE
s-723707085: DAMAGE & DECAY
s-723707085: Becoming a Zombie
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Framing
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Composition Failure
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Horizon Line
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Repetition/Pattern
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Fill the Frame
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Single Subject
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Leading Lines
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Eyeline Portrait
s-723707085: R.O.T. - Negative Space
s-723707085: IMG_0700
s-723707085: IMG_0704
s-723707085: IMG_0703
s-723707085: IMG_0689
s-723707085: Untitled-1