courtney_schutt: Spotlight team
courtney_schutt: RCM-Spotlight and Laura
courtney_schutt: RCM-Mike G
courtney_schutt: RCM-Mike G and Christy
courtney_schutt: RCM-Mike P
courtney_schutt: RCM-Robin
courtney_schutt: RCM-Mike G and Steve
courtney_schutt: RCM-Rhiannon, Theo, and Josh
courtney_schutt: RCM-Steve, Mike G, Mike P, and Josh
courtney_schutt: I think we bored them
courtney_schutt: Girls in the focus group
courtney_schutt: Focus groups
courtney_schutt: Focus groups again
courtney_schutt: Focus group-more
courtney_schutt: Focus group
courtney_schutt: Focus group again
courtney_schutt: Enkelada leading focus groups
courtney_schutt: Enkelada leading focus groups again
courtney_schutt: Boys in the focus group
courtney_schutt: View of Berat
courtney_schutt: Rihannon, Josh, & Mike taking pictures at the Castle in Berat
courtney_schutt: Homes in the Berat Castle
courtney_schutt: Berat Castle
courtney_schutt: Berat Castle again
courtney_schutt: Berat & surrounding mountains
courtney_schutt: Bear at the restaurant, Berat
courtney_schutt: Liz & Mike taking pictures from the cable car
courtney_schutt: Courtney, Sunset on the mountain
courtney_schutt: Sunset from the mountain