Jheewee: Nadumir the dwarven city
filbrick: the cobra
Sympatik Brick: The Burning Portal
Cab ~: Dining Hall
Miscellanabuilds: Queen Amelia
Jerac: Yigg
Jerac: DnD figures
Jerac: DnD figures: Githyanki Warrior
Steinchenwunder: Seahorse
BobDeQuatre: City of the Sun
Brick Cuppy: Microscale Minas Tirith
cazphoto.co.uk: Monofigure Habitats: The Whole Stack
Cab ~: Mooooon Crystals!
choopyjups: A wandering band of misfits
YgrekLego: Lord of the Minx
BardJaskier: Battle of Dwarven Fortress
Roanoke Handybuck: A Pirate's Paradise
adde51: Dragon GBC-module
FS Leinad: Lung Dragon
roΙΙi: Brickscalibur 2024 Trophy: The Golden Knight
ABrickDreamer: Pop-sicles
Cab ~: Fruit Plate
dviddy: The Weeping Wyvern Bonsai
Math Wizard.: Don't Wake the Dragon!
NikiFilik: Instructions for Cute Wizard
Sympatik Brick: A Dragon’s Reverie
Sympatik Brick: Thorn, the Seed of Rebellion
Syrdarian: Bumper cars
filbrick: The bee 2/2
yellowfrogstudios: Lego Annual Competition Calendar