natur-heimat: Still living
eol9097: 100845
eol9097: 101712
Peter Bellars: Petri Brolly
Carl Vanassche: IMG_6771
Beijitaian20 Jie WANG: Le Mont-Saint-Michel in the night, France
emmedigi: For God sake
JCMAlmeida: Street 2022 BW 202
JCMAlmeida: Urban Still Life 194
trekworks: Abandoned
emmedigi: DSCF7477
natur-heimat: Fields and trees
fcuencadiaz: Teatro Español, Madrid.
Carl Vanassche: Lost in Thoughts
Carl Vanassche: DSC_1132_
Roberto Carpanoni: IMG_5263_1_b - New York City. Like some barrels on the left edge. Condominium Residences, 505 West 19th St, view from the High Line.
emmedigi: feet art
Carl Vanassche: IMG_8354
Carl Vanassche: IMG_3641
Peter Bellars: Safe on the streets - Matsumoto
P.P.Sanchez: Calles de Baeza