valentinakendalsl: Infinite Darkness
valentinakendalsl: Semence @ SLEA6
valentinakendalsl: if Christina were French
valentinakendalsl: ❤️❤️Proud friends❤️❤️
valentinakendalsl: between the rocks
valentinakendalsl: sleepy morning kitties
valentinakendalsl: Happy Pride SL Flickr!
valentinakendalsl: sun sun sun here it comes
valentinakendalsl: waiting for her
valentinakendalsl: Friendship Valley Music Festival 2024
valentinakendalsl: the way out is not always obvious
valentinakendalsl: we are all just shadows on a cave wall
valentinakendalsl: white, red or rose?
valentinakendalsl: iocaine powder please. top shelf, on the right
valentinakendalsl: We've been over this before, you don't like noodles
valentinakendalsl: 'come in' she said, running her tongue over her teeth...
valentinakendalsl: wish you were here!
valentinakendalsl: Why? For the love of god why?
valentinakendalsl: birds eye view, Still marina
valentinakendalsl: so tired of this shit
valentinakendalsl: for Aoife, my hero, who speaks truth to power
valentinakendalsl: blending in
valentinakendalsl: it's the end of the world as we know it
valentinakendalsl: that means you, friend