heavystrokepics: Spikes and Lipstick.
blinkybot38: Sandune minimalism 9
blinkybot38: Sandune minimalism 16
heavystrokepics: Carnaval.
The supernatural anaesthetist: Star of the silent silver screen, Miss Kitty Darling (‘Les Bordels de Bordeaux’, 1927)
The supernatural anaesthetist: No one left and no one came*
The supernatural anaesthetist: Nobody was really sure what was going on…
heavystrokepics: Oh Natalie!!.
The supernatural anaesthetist: Love me; love my dog
The supernatural anaesthetist: Somewhere only we know
The supernatural anaesthetist: Miss Darling and the case of the seven red herrings
heavystrokepics: Stockings.
heavystrokepics: Bella Durmiente.
heavystrokepics: Removiendo.
heavystrokepics: Tacones.