Rogue_RoboT.: Let’s Love Death Away.
Rogue_RoboT.: It took two days to cross that ashen scabland.
Rogue_RoboT.: The living wrecks wreak their havoc upon this world.
Rogue_RoboT.: Everyone smiles in the same language.
Rogue_RoboT.: Nobody worries about upsetting a droid.
Rogue_RoboT.: Seeking a friend for the end of the world.
Rogue_RoboT.: Pieces missing everywhere. Prozak painkillers.
Rogue_RoboT.: Crystal world with winter flowers. Turn my days to frozen hours.
Rogue_RoboT.: Even if he could never be human. He wanted the chance to matter. He wanted to live.
Rogue_RoboT.: I spy with my little eye. Something that begins with “I don’t care”
Rogue_RoboT.: The Invitation
Rogue_RoboT.: The dust the world has gained is washed away by rain.