FDR Photography: BARN OWL!!!
FDR Photography: Barn owl
FDR Photography: Ash throated flycatcher
FDR Photography: Ash throated flycatcher
FDR Photography: Hair helmet!
FDR Photography: Cattle egret!
FDR Photography: Cattle Egret
FDR Photography: Let me know when you find some more worms!
FDR Photography: Two headed Sandhill crane
FDR Photography: A Common Gallinule and American Coot go into a bar….
FDR Photography: I think that’s enough pictures!
FDR Photography: Purple Gallinule
FDR Photography: Virginia’s Warbler
FDR Photography: Virginia’s Warbler
FDR Photography: Ash throated flycatcher
FDR Photography: Ash throated flycatcher
FDR Photography: Bell’s Vireo
FDR Photography: Spotted Towhee
FDR Photography: Townsend’s Warbler!
FDR Photography: Welcome to New England! Try the lobster!!
FDR Photography: Western Kingbird surveying his land.
FDR Photography: Glaucous Gull - Happy New Year!
FDR Photography: Glaucous Gull - Happy New Year!
FDR Photography: Varied thrush!
FDR Photography: Varied thrush!
FDR Photography: Eared Grebe
FDR Photography: Summer Tanager
FDR Photography: Black necked stilt
FDR Photography: Western Cattle Egret
FDR Photography: Ash throated flycatcher