John David Murphy: Great Northern Diver.
John David Murphy: Common Ringed Plover.
John David Murphy: Great Cormorant.
John David Murphy: DSC_9353-Enhanced-NR.jpg
John David Murphy: Bearded Reedling.
John David Murphy: Alantic Puffin.
John David Murphy: DSC_5737-Enhanced-NR.jpg
John David Murphy: DSC_5484-Enhanced-NR.jpg
The Vale Wildlife: A Charm Of Goldfinches
jf Pascal: Milan royal (Milvus milvus) - Red Kite
orkomedix: Old Fashioned
orkomedix: Inside Damianos Cave
orkomedix: High Res Nymphenburg
shay connolly: 0B9A9065
John David Murphy: Seal pup on harbour slip.
The Vale Wildlife: Long-eared Owl
The Vale Wildlife: Wood mouse at night
The Vale Wildlife: Black Redstart
bernard0368: Alley fox
John David Murphy: DSC_2563.jpg
hd.niel: Owl Flight
John David Murphy: DSC_2039.jpg
John David Murphy: DSC_2111.jpg
John David Murphy: Great Northern diver.
John David Murphy: DSC_6896-Enhanced-NR.jpg
John David Murphy: DSC_6288-Enhanced-NR.jpg
John David Murphy: Raven in the snow, Dublin Mountains.
John David Murphy: Common Ringed Plover, juvenile.
John David Murphy: DSC_3164-Enhanced-NR.jpg