Ger Bosma: BuzzardWarrior
wildlifelynn: Common Pheasant (m)
PETEJLB: Northern Pintail
Susan Roehl: Common Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus)
p.mathias: University Church of St Mary the Virgin
Rayladur: Lagopède des saules - Willow Ptarmigan
Norbert Lefevre: # Explore ... 4 ... # Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
Ger Bosma: Goldenboy
kevinmayhew62: Stonechat_1108
davie ch: DSC_9137-Edit-Edit
Edd Allen: Connection
Nicopope: Tourterelle turque 2 - In Explore December 18, 2024
howccp-Alannah: Pembrokeshire sunset
David Brooker: Pink foots
Ger Bosma: Merganser Meal
howccp-Alannah: Soggy Alfie
images@twiston: Gold rush
colindalton527: GOLDFINCH.
Ger Bosma: Wild Wigeon Wings
howccp-Alannah: Busy log
howccp-Alannah: Red Kite flying display
howccp-Alannah: Sunset and donkeys
cazalegg: Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus
Ger Bosma: Singin' In The Snow
Wingnut photos: Shoveller Duck
Wingnut photos: Whooper Swan
howccp-Alannah: Gyr Falcon
Ger Bosma: Sonic Spoonbill