Anastasia Link: no title
sndrrnc: Caleidoscope
sndrrnc: Walk on Ku’damm 1/5
GOO ROT ☾: sun day
fedupwithdigital: Homage to the Hogfather
mrdannysanchez: Tools of the trade
Maureen Bond: Polaroid Week 2024
Ray Liu Photography: An Instant Leap
cromwell_schubarth: Painted Desert
cromwell_schubarth: Dino Floss
cromwell_schubarth: Partial Eclipse
fedupwithdigital: Defying gravity
Brian Essss: Stop the bomb (sentiment trapped in cement)
zenjohnzen: Home sweet Home
andrefromont: En forme
ioxaotzs29: “Smiling and Ready for Work!”
ioxaotzs29: “Land Yacht”
zenjohnzen: Selfie without self PolaroidWeek, day 2, image 1
zenjohnzen: The Old Man and the Sea - “The sea is the same as it has been since before men ever went on it in boats.” (Ernest Hemingway, 1899-1961)