valery_pokotylo: October 14, 2022. The 233th day of war in Ukraine. Today is the Feast of the Intercession. Ukraine will win! Glory to Ukraine! Domes church of the Protection of the Holy Virgin on the Priortsi. Church of the Intercession /Pokrovskaya church /. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: June 24, 2024. The 852nd day of war in Ukraine. The Cathedral of St. Panteleimon in Feofania. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: May 22, 2024. The 819th day of war in Ukraine. Assumption Cathedral of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. The main iconostasis (5 tiers, width -25 m, height - 21 m) and decoration of the dome space, drum, arches and transept of the cathedral. Kyiv.
zanzibarcordoba: Buenos Aires, Monumental City. Bank of the Argentine Nation.
Oliver Schoepgens: Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar (Buenos Aires)
ragger65: Iwato Kannon-do Temple
ragger65: Heisei Poplar Avenue
Arnim Schulz: Sevilla 33
28ch: hakuryu lake
Jesus_l: Allí en el puntal.
zanzibarcordoba: Colours in Viscri. Romania. 2
zanzibarcordoba: Holy Cross Church of Jerusalem. Écija (Seville) - 18th-19th century 2
zanzibarcordoba: Dome. Church of San Gabriel. Loja. Granada
Billy Wilson Photography: Litomyšl Gate, Vysoké Mýto, Bohemia, Czechia
Billy Wilson Photography: No. 195 Přemysl Otakar II Square, Vysoké Mýto, Bohemia, Czechia
sacalevic: Holy Russia, Moscow Architecture, since 1675 Church of Saint Michael and Saint Fyodor, Martyrs of Chernigov, Chernigovsky Lane, Zamoskvorechye district. Православнаѧ Црковь.
Toby Howard: View of Kanazawa, Japan, looking West towards the Japan Sea.
Toby Howard: Old shops under shinkansen line
Bert#: Canal houses
svitlana.koshchii: San Carlo Al Corso
Frans.Sellies: Masjid Jamae or Jamae Mosque, Singapore
Frans.Sellies: View on the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, Chinatown, Singapore
beranekp: 1985-06-11 Main Street in Dubrovnik 3
Ivan Zanotti Photo: Houses of Gdansk
R. Van Wallendael: Square Vergote 26 (1923) -- Schaerbeek 1030 Brussels
beranekp: 2022-11-11 Prague Street
Oliver Schoepgens: Water Is Life
R. Van Wallendael: Rue de Linthout 123 & 125 (1902-1906) -- Woluwe-Saint-Lambert 1200 Brussels
robert1stepien: Ljubljana (Slovenia)