Hypatia Aurelia: Dubai Event
Hypatia Aurelia: A coffee to go in Dubai
Second Life Official: Learn more about Bellisseria
salazaralter1: wedding ring
salazaralter1: marryme_002
Urban Nobility: Garth before
Urban Nobility: Garth Arrives
[NC] - Noble Creations - niki8901 Secondlife STORE: [NC] - NEW Gladiator Arm Tape - Man Cave
thatbriannamaze: in Mystery
Gabriel of Rinde: A hot day in the City
Odina Tayen Alter: Cleaning duties are part of Life
Odina Tayen Alter: In the Low Caste Market Square
Odina Tayen Alter: Welcome to Golden Dina Inn!
Lala L'amour [LORE]: LORE Medieval Inn Set
Vitihho Esso Basil: With his Advisor
~Ve'ra ~: The Forager
Vitihho Esso Basil: Musicians are Welcomed
AstridLinder: Ava and Juju
salazaralter1: He waits for my return
Cyrus Alter: Dance Time
Cyrus Alter: Totally His
~Ve'ra ~: Making friends...
Jasmine Dest: Honoring The Old Ways Before A New Year
Wolf Blackstorm: Norse Shaman
xintrearaven: Wandering the woods around the camp
xintrearaven: With Him