andreariverview53: Home for the Holidays
andreariverview53: Squirrel Watch at Frogmore
andreariverview53: Merry Christmas!
andreariverview53: Winter Dreaming....
andreariverview53: Mr. Poe will see you now....
andreariverview53: "In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." --William Blake
andreariverview53: Merry Christmas
andreariverview53: “Second star to the right and straight on ‘til the morning.” — Peter Pan
andreariverview53: Northern Dreams
andreariverview53: Remembering winters past....
andreariverview53: Welcome....
andreariverview53: Relaxing with the critters on a quiet evening...
andreariverview53: Winter's Peace
andreariverview53: "To err is human. To loaf is Parisian." -Victor Hugo
andreariverview53: La tour Eiffel
andreariverview53: Break time is over, boys..............back to work
andreariverview53: Winter Rest
andreariverview53: Winter Fire
andreariverview53: “Nobody owns the hearts of birds.” ― Mary Oliver, Red Bird
andreariverview53: Winter's Morning
andreariverview53: "One kind word can warm three winter months. " --Japanese Proverb
andreariverview53: Shopping can be such hard work..........
andreariverview53: I believe that white makes the first move, Monsieur....
andreariverview53: Beach babes
andreariverview53: pastel dreams
andreariverview53: Holding on.....
andreariverview53: So...I leave the truck to do some shopping, and now the varmint thinks it's his.....
andreariverview53: “The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.” ― Robert Frost