mgaved: Ancient Welsh craft of cricket bat making
mgaved: the Chinese pose
mgaved: Stewie on the top of the hill
mgaved: Insulating the sweat lodge
mgaved: Holy man by his retreat
mgaved: Withies from the lodge and a too long yacht
mgaved: Mattie getting somewhere deep
mgaved: Mark on the hill
mgaved: Building the lodge
mgaved: Warming up the rocks
mgaved: Greg prepares the plunge pool
mgaved: Building the frame
mgaved: The morning take down
mgaved: Spirit of the serpent on top of the hill
mgaved: ritual of the air in motion
mgaved: worshipping the air...
mgaved: Top of Cadir Idris
mgaved: It's behind you...
mgaved: The faithful retainers put the wind up the opposition
mgaved: Ooh I like a good sarnie
mgaved: banana break and wiggle those toes
mgaved: The stags fight on the top of the hill...
mgaved: Tom on Cadar Idris
mgaved: Mat undertaking the test of snow
mgaved: Quick tea break on the hill
mgaved: Ogz says the only way is up
mgaved: Mat meditating on the task ahead
mgaved: A fine Welsh vintage...
mgaved: mini Taj Mahal in Aurangabad...
mgaved: Mango tree!