Nadejdae: “Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”
:uxui:: what comes when you stop
Coralile Vortex: behind a face....
Titus Palmira: Rainy night in Soho
alloale: Joker
D A V Y: Can't deny it
Bᴏᴜᴅɪᴄᴄᴀ Amat: what waits beyond the visible, what turns without a sound?
Yo Roo: I will love you like the stars love to shoot. And shadows love the Moon.
LeaOh: S♥ When I am with you, everything else ceases to exist
Fashion Blogger On Secondlife: 🌸Oh c'est toi🌸
olorennn: La flamme
Harper Rose ♡.: if you really want to know what someone thinks about you, listen to how he talks about you when he's angry.. anger tells a lot of truths.
d'cuir: as the stalking horse awakened her scarecrow the rock whispered .we should wake before dawn [] @ grauland
thiagovoxel: Soul over ego.
jasminlu1: XX742XX
Coralile Vortex: it is what it is.....and i get used to it...
river ichibara: from_my_window_the_evening_breeze
benroyal: He...
fulviomacchi: .................
clydie2: Soul Kitchen
a k i s s i: • Song of the Uncorrupted : Enemy of Felony •