Looking for a snack
On the bell:
Clark Harris in Colorado:
Line near Peru Creek Colorado
Bow river, Banff
Bill Bowman:
The Launch
Chance the Pumpkin Man:
Salmonier Nature Park
Chance the Pumpkin Man:
Columbia River Gorge
Grasshopper Visual:
Hard Frontier
Self-Driving Cattle
On the bell:
A pair of Death Stars
Clark Harris in Colorado:
Horses getting ready for their skijoring run in Estes Park Colorado
Oliver Zillich:
Cold Beauty
Clark Harris in Colorado:
Estes Park skijoring. It’s a thing.
Clark Harris in Colorado:
Estes Park skijoring. It’s a thing.
Chance the Pumpkin Man:
Pennsylvania Dutch Country - Berks
Bill Bowman:
wilson hughes:
Snow and lots of wind today.
Video: Snowy Owl (a few seconds, in wind and heat distortion)
Clark Harris in Colorado:
Skijoring in Estes Park
Chance the Pumpkin Man:
Bill Bowman:
Cozy nook
Blue skies
Memento mori travelling man:
Deep winter deep forest
Grasshopper Visual:
Old Alberta Fractured
Chance the Pumpkin Man:
Buckingham Garden
Roger K. Allen:
Wildflower Cafe