Eli Dark: USS Prairie State IX-15 3
Eli Dark: Kearsarge during outfitting 1898
Eli Dark: Kearsarge during outfitting 1898 2
Eli Dark: USS Connecticut being scrapped
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Still Kickin’ Since the ’70s: NASA’s Voyager Mission Keeps Exploring
Mike Acs: dynasoar_v_bw_o_n (ca. 1961, prob. Douglas Aircraft Co. photo, verso hand-annotated 353247)
Mike Acs: dynasoar_v_bw_o_n (ca. 1961-63, Bell Aerospace photo no. 191456...)
Mike Acs: dynasoar_AFD-080408-031 extract ('The Black Vault' website download)
OneEighteen: Ship Portrait - "USS Texas"
DS9Sega: Ambassador Class Matte 1
DS9Sega: Ambassador Class Matte 2
DS9Sega: L-STTMP-RT-MM_MiniEnt_Armature
DS9Sega: L-STTMP-RT-Boards-EnterpriseDeparts1
DS9Sega: TMP RA&A Storyboard Deflector Shie
DS9Sega: TMP RA&A Storyboard Asteroid Explosion
DS9Sega: TMP Original Wormole preferred by Thumbull
DS9Sega: Klingon_03
DS9Sega: Klingon_01
DS9Sega: Cargo Ship Concept
DS9Sega: ShuttleAway3 1
DS9Sega: ShuttleAway3 2
DS9Sega: Phase2_Minor_1978_nostreak
DS9Sega: STAR TREK II (TV) Corridor 1977
DS9Sega: Fantastic Films Magazine Aug 1978
San Diego Air & Space Museum Archives: 85.7.A Name plate A.E. Schmuck Desk name plate clear plastic with numerous patches of Downey and WSMR and and Apollo 8 sticker Stickers dated 1963-1969
Eli Dark: USS San Marcos damage 4
x-ray delta one: ... WWII British newspaper
x-ray delta one: WW2 British newspaper illus -
x-ray delta one: 1942 ... the jeep
x-ray delta one: 1942 ... with course and speed flags set!