Jörg Belling: Rohrweihe / Marsh Harrier / Busard des roseaux
Jörg Belling: Schwarzkehlchen / Stonechat / Tarier pâtre
Jörg Belling: Hey, someone wants to bother us...
Jörg Belling: Silbermöve / Herring Gull / Goéland argenté
Jörg Belling: We are family... (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Hey, are you hungry too?
Jörg Belling: Ich hab Dich im Blick! / I have you in sight!
Jörg Belling: Eisvogel / Kingfisher / Martin pêcheur
Jörg Belling: Bekassine / Common snipe / Bécassine des marais
Jörg Belling: Reiherente / Tufted duck / Fuligule morillon
Jörg Belling: Ready for Landing...
Jörg Belling: Teichhuhn / Moorhen / Poule d´eau
Jörg Belling: Herbst-Mosaikjungfer (Aeshna mixta)
Jörg Belling: Come a little closer...
Jörg Belling: (Explore) What's going on up there?
Jörg Belling: Landkärtchen / Map Butterfly