Jörg Belling: My mum is the best! (Explore 5/31/2023)
Jörg Belling: Punky Gray Heron (Explore 05/11/2023)
Jörg Belling: Castlemilk Moorit Schaf / Castlemilk Moorit Sheep (Explore 4/23/2023)
Jörg Belling: Junger Sikahirsch / Juvenile Sika Deer (Explore 4/5/2023)
Jörg Belling: Mallard (f) / Stockente (w) (Explore 3/16/2023)
Jörg Belling: Bald eagle / Weißkopfseeadler (in Explore)
Jörg Belling: Beauty is everywhere... (Explore 7/3/2023)
Jörg Belling: Blauflügel Prachtlibelle (w) / Demoiselle (Explore N° 58 # 7/19/2023)
Jörg Belling: Junger Hausrotschwanz / Juvenile Black Redstart (Explore N° 134 # 8/15/2023)
Jörg Belling: Hmm, it tastes a little autumnal... (Explore 9/17/2023)
Jörg Belling: Admiral / Red Admiral (Explore 9/30/2023)
Jörg Belling: Kleiner Feuerfalter / Small copper (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Kleiner Kohlweißling / Cabbage white butterfly / Pièride de la rave (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Gebirgsstelze / Yellow Wagtail / Bergeronnette des ruisseaux (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Hybrid / Hybride (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Moon flight... (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Gänsesäger / Goosander / Harle bièvre (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Bergfink / Brambling / Pinson du Nord (Explore)
Jörg Belling: I don´t cry... (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Samtkopfgrasmücke / Sardinian warbler / Fauvette melanocephale (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Löffler / Spoonbill / Spatule blanche (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Großer Brachvogel / Eurasian curlew / Courlis cendre (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Colors (Explore)
Jörg Belling: When is the food coming? (1/3) Explore
Jörg Belling: Trauerschnäpper / Pied Flycatcher / Gobemouche noir (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Kiebitz / Lapwing / Vanneau huppe (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Neuntöter / Red-backed shrike / Pie-grièche écorcheur (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Bienenfresser / Bee-eater / Guêpier d’Europe (Explore)
Jörg Belling: Kleine Binsenjungfer (Lestes virens vestalis) (Explore)
Jörg Belling: We are family... (Explore)