Souvenir's: Running uphill..
Souvenir's: Frozen motion ..
Souvenir's: It’s that kind of day..
Souvenir's: A leg to stand on..
Souvenir's: If it could talk..
Souvenir's: Old friend ..
Souvenir's: Feel welcome ..
Souvenir's: Bring on the gift change..
Souvenir's: Mouth watering..
Souvenir's: Swept aside..
Souvenir's: Capture the moment..
Souvenir's: A single thought..
Souvenir's: Focus on the beauty ..
Souvenir's: The lighting is welcoming….
Souvenir's: Faith isn’t invincible ..
Souvenir's: The roots of the sky..
Souvenir's: The beauty and peril of thin ice..
Souvenir's: Circular motion..
Souvenir's: A touch of green..
Souvenir's: Frozen in time..
Souvenir's: A curtain of cold..
Souvenir's: Everything stilled..
Souvenir's: On any given night..
Souvenir's: Movement’s blur doesn’t prevent clarity..
Souvenir's: Serenity, above and below…
Souvenir's: Still here, still beautiful, still promising..
Souvenir's: A path followed so often..
Souvenir's: I can always wish for more….
Souvenir's: Always a place of peace..
Souvenir's: Let it snow….