myxfit: Sminthurinus quadrimaculatus - male spermatophore guarding
myxfit: Pseudobourletiella spinata courtship
myxfit: Neanura persimilis bioluminescing
myxfit: Neanura persimilis bioluminescence
myxfit: Neanura persimilis bioluminescence
myxfit: Neanura persimilis bioluminescence
myxfit: Neanura persimilis bioluminescence
myxfit: Vitronura giselae bioluminescing
myxfit: Vitronura giselae bioluminescing
myxfit: Pseudobourletiella spinata underside and furca
myxfit: Neanura persimilis juvenile with fused tubercles
myxfit: Neanura persimilis dogpile
myxfit: Unknown white isotomid, fecal lattice placement
myxfit: Unknown white isotomid
myxfit: springtail poop lattice construction
myxfit: Isotomurus retardatus
myxfit: Sminthurinus henshawi
myxfit: Varying shades of Entomobrya confusa
myxfit: Unknown Isotomid
myxfit: Unknown isotomid baby
myxfit: Plot of Neanura persimilis growth
myxfit: Neanura persimilis growth
myxfit: Hatched Pseudosinella sp. egg
myxfit: Ptenothrix marmorata spermatophore
myxfit: Ptenothrix marmorata foot
myxfit: Ptenothrix marmorata forma testudineata
myxfit: Orchesella ainsliei
myxfit: Entomobrya atrocincta, female and male
myxfit: Entomobrya atrocincta male
myxfit: Reflex bleeding in Neanura persimilis