Deborah~: early summer bloom
Deborah~: october frost
Deborah~: Headlands July 2014
Deborah~: Capps
Deborah~: Grand River Lighthouse at Fairport Harbor
Deborah~: morning at headlands
Deborah~: pink and blue
Deborah~: tree
Deborah~: things are looking up
Deborah~: the climbing tree
Deborah~: the little auto
Deborah~: A Fine View
Deborah~: oliver and papa
Deborah~: take 2
Deborah~: testing a backdrop
Deborah~: somethings and nothings
Deborah~: last of the ice
Deborah~: sunset at sunset park
Deborah~: sunset at sunset park
Deborah~: laura's studio
Deborah~: little casa in eldorado
Deborah~: what april looks like
Deborah~: sofa warrior
Deborah~: cafe
Deborah~: shadow and shade
Deborah~: in a little town
Deborah~: ireland
Deborah~: sunroof weather