mystero233: Please stay a while and enjoy Malta
mystero233: Slovenia (Kranjska Gora) from the ladder
fromky: Something That Makes Me Happy
btusdin: Flicker on Maple Tree Trunk
btusdin: Amaryllis "Santiago"
normanwest4tography: Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
normanwest4tography: Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
Jaroslav Kuhtreiber: Ždár nad Sázavou, Czechia
Jaroslav Kuhtreiber: Ždár nad Sázavou, Czechia.
normanwest4tography: Sandwich Tern -Thalasseus sandvicensis
normanwest4tography: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (boloria selene)
normanwest4tography: Greylag Goose - Anser anser
normanwest4tography: Bewick's Swan - Cygnus columbianus
normanwest4tography: Mandarin - Aix galericulata
Jaroslav Kuhtreiber: Gdansk, Poland
Jaroslav Kuhtreiber: Ždiar, Slovakia
davidheath01: A Breezy St Ives Taroko National Park
normanwest4tography: Puffin - Fratercula arctica
normanwest4tography: Barn Owl - Tyto alba
normanwest4tography: Red - breasted Merganser -Mergus surrator
noneinc: Saying hello to my little friends
noneinc: Sunset
noneinc: Table Rock Trail
rq uk: Woodpigeon in the Garden - Sunday 5th January 2025
shlyachterm: The sheep blocked the road on 4200m
Aredy48: Morning Radiance
Aredy48: Grand Canyon National Park
shlyachterm: Curious Faces of the Jungle