Veerle Heyman: tapuit - northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Veerle Heyman: blauwe reiger - grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
Veerle Heyman: scholekster - Eurasian oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus)
Veerle Heyman: kleine plevier (juveniel) - little ringed plover (juvenile) (Charadrius dubius)
Maarten VLH: SH2-112 - emission nebula
Maarten VLH: NGC 3344 - Spiral Galaxy
Maarten VLH: M 2 - Globular cluster
Leo Van Hoyweghen: M51 The Whirlpool Galaxy
Leo Van Hoyweghen: IC5070 The Pelican Nebula - 2 panel mosaic
ldebeck: Perseid 13 Aug 2024
ldebeck: M31 in Andromeda
Veerle Heyman: steenlopers - ruddy turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
Dominique Dierick: Sun in higher resolution, Aug. 8, 2024
Dominique Dierick: Galaxy NGC253 and Globular Cluster NGC288, a cosmic distance scale
hendrik.vandenbruaene: Solar maximum ?
Veerle Heyman: ooievaar - white stork (Ciconia ciconia)
Dominique Dierick: Messier 17, the Lobster Nebula
Dominique Dierick: PGC3589 Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy
Dominique Dierick: Mu Cephei and the Milky Way in Cepheus (best seen full size)
Dominique Dierick: Sunset over Clavius
Dominique Dierick: NGC7293, the Helix Nebula
Dominique Dierick: IC1396 and friends in Cepheus, monochrome version
Dominique Dierick: The beautiful Blue Horse Nebula (IC4592) in Scorpius (best seen full size)
dominique.callant: 85x75s IC1396 Finaal
ldebeck: M57 in Lyra
ldebeck: NGC 7023
dominique.callant: 005 M27 Q6 45x180s Finaal
dominique.callant: M51_ED82-finaal01
dominique.callant: overzicht Zon Ha WL CaK 20240715
dominique.callant: overzicht Zon Ha WL CaK 20240623