gill.thurgood: In awe of Mars
gill.thurgood: chilly washing line
gill.thurgood: Duo, Art Installation, Painted Hall
gill.thurgood: Duo, Art Installation.Greenwich
gill.thurgood: Feeding Hind at Bushy Park
gill.thurgood: Stag at Bushy Park
gill.thurgood: Maunsell Sea Forts
gill.thurgood: Batemans Tower
gill.thurgood: Girls and their horses
gill.thurgood: Flying Ants caught in a web
gill.thurgood: tulip red border-1
gill.thurgood: horizon 22 roof view
gill.thurgood: Through the window
gill.thurgood: Coalescense in the Painted Hall
gill.thurgood: Helter Skelter at Wimpole Hall
gill.thurgood: Looking down from 59th floor
gill.thurgood: Undergound shadows
gill.thurgood: Why can't I have an icecream?
gill.thurgood: End of the pier
gill.thurgood: inside Southwold Lighthouse
gill.thurgood: Southwold from the pier
gill.thurgood: Elegant Victorian Lady
gill.thurgood: Old Machine, Crossness
gill.thurgood: Twilight in Maldon
gill.thurgood: Lift 109 Battersea Power Station
gill.thurgood: Camden Lock
gill.thurgood: Different Life Choices in Camden
gill.thurgood: Life is Good
gill.thurgood: Busy bees