dtankosic: Срећан Божић - Христос се роди!
dtankosic: Golden blue Ada bridge
TPMpix: Ceiling in the Terme Stabiane
TPMpix: Monoposium with boy holding a goose
TPMpix: Rain Approaching
TPMpix: Cathedral Nave
TPMpix: Gardens of the Chiostro maiolicato
TPMpix: Guglia dell'Immacolata
TPMpix: In an olive grove
TPMpix: Vasari Sacristy
TPMpix: Piazza Monteoliveto
TPMpix: Looking up at the cupola of the Chiesa del Gesù Nuovo
Georgios-Lefkothea Panousos: Spring has sprung
Georgios-Lefkothea Panousos: Giant Peacock Moth (Saturnia Pyri)
Georgios-Lefkothea Panousos: Flamingos at sunset