mjspelman1: Sunset in Vermont
mjspelman1: Minutes before sunrise on Lake Mendota, WI
mjspelman1: Nature Christmas 2022
mjspelman1: Our Millie
mjspelman1: Split Rock Lighthouse, Lake Superior
mjspelman1: Wildfire sun
mjspelman1: Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia) - male
mjspelman1: Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) shaking off
mjspelman1: Peaceful autumn
mjspelman1: Tiny plants with complex lifestyle
mjspelman1: Fall leaves
mjspelman1: Grand Canyon at sunset, Arizona, USA
mjspelman1: Window to the wonderland
mjspelman1: Northern Minnesota sunset
mjspelman1: Frosty grasses
mjspelman1: Moon rising?
mjspelman1: Last sunrise for the little Gosling
mjspelman1: Oblong-leaved sundew (Drosera intermedia)
mjspelman1: Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada
mjspelman1: Salt Wash View Area, Utah
mjspelman1: Boondocking at "The Wall" - South Dakota
mjspelman1: Leaf peeping
mjspelman1: Morning fog
mjspelman1: Badlands National Park, SD
mjspelman1: Limited visibility