rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 1: Wild Lupine (Lupinus perennis), Southern-Unit Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 2: Tuberous Grass Pink Orchid (Calopogon tuberosus), Southern-Unit Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illniois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 3: The Redcoats Are Coming! British Soldiers Lichen (Cladonia cristatella), Camp Logan Unit, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 4: Fall Done in Subtle Colors, Black-Oak Savanna, Southern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 5: A Non-Golden Goldenrod, Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 6: A Closer Look at That Non-Golden Goldenrod, Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 7: A Sand-Prairie Sunflower, Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 8: Face-to-Face with a Sunny Disposition, Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 9: The Herald of High-Grade Prairie, Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 9: Lord of the Tallgrass Prairie; Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 10: That Which Is Passed Away Shall Live Again; Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 11: King of the Great Lakes Dunelands; Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 12: My Own Sand-Prairie Favorite; Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 13: The Aliens Have Landed; Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 14: A Surge of Spurges | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 15: A Spotlight on Cyathia | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 16: A Rosaceous Plant By Any Other Name | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 17: A Cheerful Little Wort and Weed | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 18: Small Stars in a Web of Green | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 19: A Weed With Nothing Dubious About Its Beauty | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 20: Starburst | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 21: Portrait of a Parasite Picky About Pollinators | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA