Integrative Natural History of Mount Vesuvius & the Bay of Naples, Part 3: The Gran Cono Interior, and a Violation of Understandings | Campania, Italy
A Love of Bridges, Part 12: Backlit Bridge from the Marin Headlands Terrane | Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco to Marin County, California, USA (1937)
The Last of the Jewel Boxes, Part 1: Locator Shot of the Farmers and Merchants Union Bank, Columbus, Wisconsin, USA (1919)
Botany of the Carolinas Coastal Plain, Part 35: A Shaggy Sort of Symbiosis | Charles Pinckney National Historic Site, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
Geology of Minnesota's North Shore, Part 12: A Groovy Close-up of Keys, Cracks, and Crescents | Duluth
Integrative Natural History of Amnicon Falls State Park, Part 12: The Downstream View From Horton Covered Bridge | Douglas County, Wisconsin, USA
"What Milwaukee Is Made Of" Podcast Series, Part 3: Exploring the Geological Diversity of This Planet's Most Wonderful City Hall
Geology (Architectural & Otherwise) of the Earth's Center, Part 10: Another Look at the Stadium and the Source of Its Stone | Delphi, Phocis, Greece
From the Hall of Disjointed Memories, Part 12: Chiaroscuro Krummholz | North Park, Colorado, USA
Ancient Reefs of Indiana, Part 3: Megaflood in Miniature | Hanging Rock National Natural Landmark, Lagro, Wabash County
Architectural Geology of Florence, Italy, Part 10: In Praise of Geologically Driven Evolution | Santa Maria Novella Basilica (14th century AD; current facade completed in 1470)
The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 36: Risen from the Flames | Episcopal Cathedral of St. James, Chicago, Illinois. USA (1857; partial rebuilding after 1871)
Wonders of an Old-Growth Forest, Part 25: Epifagus Redux | Warren Woods State Park, Michigan, USA
Exploring the Chisos Mountains, Part 9: Detail of a Distinctively Drooping Desert Denizen | Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA
The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 21: Portrait of a Parasite Picky About Pollinators | Northern Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
Integrative Natural History of Fayette Historic State Park, Part 8: Doing Double Duty | Garden Peninsula, on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, USA
The Magnificent Morton Gneiss, Part 9: Overview of the Realm of Mystic Enchantment | Morton, Minnesota, USA
Integrative Natural History of Old Ore Road, Part 5: Rising from the Desert Pavement | Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA
Integrative Natural History of Mount Vesuvius & the Bay of Naples, Part 2: What's in a Name? | Campania, Italy
A Love of Bridges, Part 11: A Mind-bending Fender | Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco to Marin County, California, USA (1937)
Architectural Geology of Indiana, Part 6: A Portal Repurposed | Purdue National Bank, West Lafayette (1914)
Botany of the Carolinas Coastal Plain, Part 34: A Bark of Distinction | Charles Pinckney National Historic Site, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
Integrative Natural History of Amnicon Falls State Park, Part 11: Getting Our Bearings Before We Start the Hike | Douglas County, Wisconsin, USA
Geology (Architectural & Otherwise) of the Earth's Center, Part 9: The Holeyest of Holies | Delphi, Phocis, Greece
From the Hall of Disjointed Memories, Part 11: A Gypsiferous Close-up | North Park, Colorado, USA
Ancient Reefs of Indiana, Part 2: A Closer Look through the Trees | Hanging Rock National Natural Landmark, Lagro, Wabash County
Architectural Geology of Florence, Italy, Part 9: Pardon Our Scaffolding | Santo Spirito Basilica (15th century AD; current exterior, 18th century; exterior restored, late 20th century)
The Brownstone Chronicles, Part 31: A Turret's Tribulations | Hotchkiss Hall, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Illinois, USA (1891)
Wonders of an Old-Growth Forest, Part 24: An Intimate Look at a Parasite's Flowers | Warren Woods State Park, Michigan, USA