rwgabbro1: Autumn in Ableman's Gorge: The Van Hise Rock, near Rock Springs, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) Inflorescence, Spruce Lake Bog State Natural Area, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Dwarf Lake Iris (Iris lacustris), Ridges Sanctuary, Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: A "Milwaukee in Stone and Clay" Companion, Part 8: Conspicuous Entombment | Blatz Mausoleum, Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee (1894)
rwgabbro1: A "Milwaukee in Stone and Clay" Companion, Part 6: White on White | Eastern Gallery, Quadracci Pavilion, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (2001)
rwgabbro1: Geobrickology, Part 4: Philly Invades the Cream City; The Milwaukee Club, Juneautown Neighborhood, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (1883)
rwgabbro1: Prairie Trillium (Trillium recurvatum), Bristol Woods County Park, Bristol, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Black Morel (Morchella angusticeps) amid Emerging Leaves of Dwarf Lake Iris (Iris lacustris), Ridges Sactuary, Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Integrative Natural History of Amnicon Falls State Park, Part 1: Let's Launch This with a Little Lichenology; Douglas County, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Speleothems in Carbonate Rock of the Ordovician Sinnipee Group, Cave of the Mounds, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: A "Milwaukee in Stone and Clay" Companion, Part 1: A Cast Masterpiece | The Iron Block, Juneau Town Neighborhood (1861)
rwgabbro1: View of the Forested Johnstown Moraine from East Bluff, Devil's Lake State Park, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: The Magnificent Morton Gneiss, Part 1: Detail of St. Mark's Catholic Church Auditorium & School, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA (1968)
rwgabbro1: Architectural Geology of Southwestern Wisconsin, Part 1: Rountree Hall, Platteville, Wisconsin, USA (1853; subsequent additions)
rwgabbro1: Star-Tipped Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia stellaris), Whitefish Dunes, State Park, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Reddish-Brown Bitter Bolete (Tylopilus rubrobrunneus), Richard Bong State Recreation Area, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Turkey Tail Fungus (Trametes versicolor), Parfrey's Glen State Natural Area, Devil's Lake State Park, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: A "Milwaukee in Stone and Clay" Companion, Part 7: Top-Drawer Tudorranean | George N. Wiswell House, Northpoint Neighborhood, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (1896)
rwgabbro1: A Circumboreal Bloomer: Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), Whitefish Dunes State Park, Wisconsin
rwgabbro1: Young and Gregarious: Hemlock Varnish Shelf (Ganoderma tsugae), Parfrey's Glen State Natural Area, Devil's Lake State Park, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Architectural Geology of Southwestern Wisconsin, Part 4: The First United Methodist Church, Mineral Point, Wisconsin, USA (1871)
rwgabbro1: Terra-Cottology, Part 8: Detail of the George Watts & Son Building, Juneautown Neighborhood, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 2: City Hall, Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA (1908)
rwgabbro1: Gray on Gray: Hoof Fungus (Fomes fomentarius), Whitefish Dunes State Park, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 4: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, Yankee Hill Neighborhood, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (1873)
rwgabbro1: Bedford Trees, Part 1: The Jackson Mounument, Green Ridge Cemetery, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: A Splash of Fall Color: Bush Honeysuckle (Diervilla lonicera), Ableman's Gorge State Natural Area, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Hooked-Spur Violet (Viola adunca), Whitefish Dunes State Park, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Bedford Trees, Part 3: John Phillips Monument, Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (ca. 1891)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 6: Ozaukee County Administration Center (Old Courthouse), Port Washington, Wisconsin, USA (1901)