rwgabbro1: Chicago in Stone and Clay: A Guide to the Windy City's Architectural Geology (NIU Imprint of Cornell University Press)
rwgabbro1: Graveyard Geology of Chicago, Part 2: Detail of the Carrie Eliza Getty Tomb, Graceland Cemetery, Uptown Neighborhood (1890)
rwgabbro1: Graveyard Geology of Chicago, Part 1: The Carrie Eliza Getty Tomb, Graceland Cemetery, Uptown Neighborhood (1890)
rwgabbro1: Daily News Building (2 N. Riverside Plaza), Near West Side, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1929)
rwgabbro1: Egypt in the Windy City: Aswan Granite, Avondale Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1980)
rwgabbro1: The Geology of Terra-Cotta, Part 1: Railway Exchange Building, the Loop, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1904)
rwgabbro1: The Brownstone Chronicles, Part 1: Detail of John Howland Thompson House, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1888)
rwgabbro1: The Bean, Part 2: Strange Attractor
rwgabbro1: Contemplating the Bean's Deeper Implications at Sunset, Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: Geobrickology, Part 10: Detail of the Frederick C. Robie House, Hyde Park Neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1909)
rwgabbro1: Geobrickology, Part 1: Old St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Near West Side, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1856)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Fieldstone & Cobblestone Buildings, Part 1: Epworth United Methodist Church, Edgewater Neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1891; addition 1930)
rwgabbro1: In the Unlikely Event You Encounter an Architectural Geologist, Avoid Eye Contact and Walk Purposefully Away
rwgabbro1: The Geology of Terra-Cotta, Part 6: Detail of the Facade, Krause Music Store, Ravenswood Neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1922)
rwgabbro1: The Earth's Mantle Reflecting the Noonday Sun: Grand Army of the Republic Hall, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1897)
rwgabbro1: Built to Last: The George E. Rickcords House, Gold Coast Neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1889)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 3: Chicago Water Tower, Magnificent Mile, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1869)
rwgabbro1: A Great Upward Sweep of Brick: The Monadnick Building, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1891; additions in 1893)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 1: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 2: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 9: The Union Stockyards Gate, Back of the Yards Neighborhood, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1879)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 3: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 4: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 5: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 6: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 7: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: Geology of Union Station, Part 8: Chicago, Illinois, USA (1925)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 10: Second Presbyterian Church, South Loop Neighborhood/Prairie Avenue District, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1874; bell tower 1884)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 11: The Science of Fuligology at the Second Presbyterian Church, South Loop Neighborhood/Prairie Avenue District, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1874; bell tower 1884)
rwgabbro1: The Glory of Regional Silurian Dolostone, Part 12: More on the Sublime Sciences of Fuligology and Bitumenology at the Second Presbyterian Church, South Loop Neighborhood/Prairie Avenue District, Chicago, Illinois, USA (1874; bell tower 1884)