rwgabbro1: Speleothems in Carbonate Rock of the Ordovician Sinnipee Group, Cave of the Mounds, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Banded Iron Formation (BIF) of the Soudan Iron Formation, Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park, Minnesota, USA
rwgabbro1: Cliff Face of the Pounds Sandstone Member, Caseyville Formation, Ferne Clyffe State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: Outcrop and Boulders of the York Haven Diabase, the Devil's Den, Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania, USA
rwgabbro1: Hogback in the Diapir Zone between Maktar and Thuburbo Majus, Tunisia
rwgabbro1: Natural Bridge and Cedar Creek, Natural Bridge State Park, Virginia, USA
rwgabbro1: The Bounty of Bell Smith Springs, Part 1: Under the Natural Bridge, Bell Smith Springs, Shawnee National Forest, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: Turbidite Deposit, Waterrock Knob, North Carolina, USA
rwgabbro1: Geology with an Instamatic, Part 2: Rock Glacier above Lake Agnes, Never Summer Range, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA
rwgabbro1: Rocks of Little Rhody, Part 1: Atlantic Ocean Sea Mist over a Purgatory Conglomerate Outcrop, Purgatory Chasm Locale, Middletown, Rhode Island, USA
rwgabbro1: Geologizing a Cuesta, Part 3: Conglomerate of the Middle Silurian Shawangunk Formation, Mohonk Preserve, Ulster County, New York
rwgabbro1: Rocks of Little Rhody, Part 3: Detail of the Purgatory Conglomerate, Purgatory Chasm Locale, Middletown, Connecticut
rwgabbro1: Geologizing a Cuesta, Part 2: Escarpment Face with Tilted Shawangunk Formation Strata, Shawangunk Ridge, New York, USA
rwgabbro1: Exploring the Magic Circle, Part 4: Asymmetrical and Overturned Folds in the Caballos Novaculite and Adjacent Formations, Interior of the Solitario, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Texas, USA
rwgabbro1: A Granitoid-State Summit View: Mount Cardigan, Cardigan Mountain State Forest, New Hampshire, USA
rwgabbro1: In the Unlikely Event You Encounter an Architectural Geologist, Avoid Eye Contact and Walk Purposefully Away
rwgabbro1: Geologizing a Cuesta, Part 1: The Trail between Shawangunk Formation Slump Blocks, Shawangunk Ridge, New York, USA
rwgabbro1: The Giant's Bathtub, Matthiessen State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: Bedrock Island in the St. Louis River, Jay Cooke State Park, Minnesota, USA
rwgabbro1: Homage to the Basin and Range Province, Part 1: The Providence Mountains from Kelbaker Road, Mojave National Preserve, California, USA
rwgabbro1: An Island of Life Amid Bare Rock: Near the Summit of Mount Cardigan, Cardigan Mountain State Forest, New Hampshire, USA
rwgabbro1: Santa Elena Canyon View 1 | Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA
rwgabbro1: Frosted Rocktripe (Umbilicaria americana) and Other Lichen Species, Mount Rose, Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota, USA
rwgabbro1: Santa Elena Canyon View 2 | Big Bend National Park, Texas, USA
rwgabbro1: The Aurunci Mountains in Winter: Near Monte Redentore, Lazio, Italy
rwgabbro1: Homage to the Basin and Range Province, Part 2: The Providence Mountains from Kelbaker Road, Mojave National Preserve, California, USA
rwgabbro1: Homage to the Basin and Range Province, Part 3: The Santana Bolson, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Texas, Mexico-USA Border
rwgabbro1: Geology with an Instamatic, Part 3: The Nokhu Crags Arete, Never Summer Range, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA
rwgabbro1: Autumn in Ableman's Gorge: The Van Hise Rock, near Rock Springs, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Rocks of Little Rhody, Part 2: Another Look at the Purgatory Conglomerate, Purgatory Chasm Locale, Middletown, Rhode Island, USA