rwgabbro1: Rattlesnake Fern (Botrychium virginianum), Woodland, Indiana Dunes State Park, Indiana, USA
rwgabbro1: Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis) and Developing Fronds of Northern Oak Fern (Gymnocarpium dryopteris), Gooseberry Falls State Park, Minnesota, USA
rwgabbro1: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), Lake Michigan Blufftop Woodland, McCormick Ravine Nature Preserve, Lake Forest, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: Prairie Trillium (Trillium recurvatum), Bristol Woods County Park, Bristol, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 1: Wild Lupine (Lupinus perennis), Southern-Unit Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: Virginia Meadow Beauty (Rhexia virginica), Wharton State Forest, New Jersey, USA
rwgabbro1: Blossoms of Wild Senna (Senna hebecarpa), Chain O'Lakes State Park, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: The Botany of Illinois Beach, Part 2: Tuberous Grass Pink Orchid (Calopogon tuberosus), Southern-Unit Nature Preserve, Illinois Beach State Park, Illniois, USA
rwgabbro1: Dwarf Lake Iris (Iris lacustris), Ridges Sanctuary, Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Bog Bean (Menyanthes trifoliata) Inflorescence, Spruce Lake Bog State Natural Area, Wisconsin, USA
rwgabbro1: Botany of the Carolinas Coastal Plain, Part 34: Aiming High in Life | Charles Pinckney National Historic Site, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
rwgabbro1: A Vibrant Sonoran Desert Plant Community, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, USA
rwgabbro1: A Tiny Desert Wonder: Mammillaria lasiacantha, Stillwell Ranch, Brewster County, Texas
rwgabbro1: Michaux's Saxifrage (Micranthes petiolaris), Clingmans Dome, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina
rwgabbro1: Just Saying Hello: Arborescent Saguaro Cacti (Carnegiea gigantea), Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona, USA
rwgabbro1: Sorrel Tree (Oxydendrum arboreum) Flowering Panicle, Cold Mountain Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina, USA
rwgabbro1: Texas Madrone Tree (Arbutus xalapensis) in McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, USA
rwgabbro1: Heart of Darkness: Spanish Dagger Tree (Yucca faxoniana), along US Route 62 a Few Miles East of El Paso, Texas, USA
rwgabbro1: Bedrock Island in the St. Louis River, Jay Cooke State Park, Minnesota, USA
rwgabbro1: Homage to the Basin and Range Province, Part 1: The Providence Mountains from Kelbaker Road, Mojave National Preserve, California, USA
rwgabbro1: An Island of Life Amid Bare Rock: Near the Summit of Mount Cardigan, Cardigan Mountain State Forest, New Hampshire, USA
rwgabbro1: Wonders of an Old-Growth Forest, Part 2: Trunk of a Grand Old Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum), Warren Woods State Park, Michigan, USA
rwgabbro1: Urban Street Trees, Part 1: Red Oak (Quercus rubra), Park Slope Neighborhood, Borough of Brooklyn, New York, New York, USA
rwgabbro1: Botany of the Carolinas Coastal Plain, Part 14: Pines of a Pocosin, Croatan National Forest, North Carolina, USA
rwgabbro1: Botany of the Carolinas Coastal Plain, Part 31: Another Ancient of Days | Charles Pinckney National Historic Site, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USA
rwgabbro1: Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) in the Light of Early Winter, Glacial Park, McHenry County, Illinois, USA
rwgabbro1: A Strange Sort of Spring, Part 1: White Spruces (Picea glauca) Laden with Snow, Quoddy Head State Park, Maine, USA
rwgabbro1: Treasures of a Buckeye-State Peatland, Part 1: A Fern of Fetching Form, Cedar Bog Nature Preserve, Urbana, Ohio, USA
rwgabbro1: Roots in Ancient Lava: A Stand of Arbor Vitae (Thuja occidentalis) Growing on Basalt, Gooseberry Falls State Park, Minnesota, USA
rwgabbro1: Homage to the Basin & Range Province, Part 4: The Salt Basin, Hudspeth County, Texas