xavier.rouchaud: L1001643- Grenades
twoislandliving: Just chilling ... 3E0A4783-2
john.roberts_crete: KALAMI FORT-1040490-3
twoislandliving: Breakfast ... 3E0A3010
xavier.rouchaud: L1000792-Ag Pavlos
twoislandliving: Waiting ... 3E0A1371-2
twoislandliving: Soft light ... 3E0A2591-2
katrienvanisacker: some trees grow with the wind...
katrienvanisacker: Under the chestnut trees
katrienvanisacker: Blue and green
katrienvanisacker: Bottlebrush on a rainy day
katrienvanisacker: Spring on Crete
katrienvanisacker: Summer time!
xavier.rouchaud: L1000582-Macheri Canyon
xavier.rouchaud: 20230521_115007Macheri Canyon
villatamos: Autumn harvest
villatamos: Spring
villatamos: Odd ones out
villatamos: Loutro
villatamos: Door of the tourist office in Vamos through the gate
villatamos: Kalyves