Quim Granell: (7563) Artificial Intelligence - Portrait Fantasy
lsmart: Rebeca
hetocy: Jessica
Alexandre Carro: Sweet Dreams
Lt. Sweeney: Fenix 2.0. // 12
aminefassi: Sofia
Eric Ganz: Portrait
kevinmsutton: Christina // Oceanside
Ronny Garcia Moron: "During the light of the sun"
dantar90: Indifference
max_livingloud: My Name Brigitte
hetocy: Jessica
Matt Osborne (MrLeica.Com): Nikkor SC 50mm f1.4
lsmart: Rebeca
Ralf Bothge: Aglaya
klaus0303: Anja_5200
Vendigo: Rita
George Kurzik: Passing Storm
Pavel Iaikov: 2L0A5642
juances: farodemalarrif3 copia
rellet17: Comet Storm
R.Mattsson: Great morning time!
veltrahez: Flakstad
NorthernXposure: Loch Ard
Jos Buurmans: Ethereal Valley - Tukituki Valley, Hawke's Bay (2024)