Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: In the dim shadows...
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Mayumi Kensai
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: To a brighter future 2
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: To a brighter future 1
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Watashi wa saikyou desu
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: After the battle
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Watashi wa Kensaï desu
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Lasombra Ghoul
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Sylvahra Laïs
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Sylvahra Laïs 2
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Sylvahra Laïs
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Dancing with the Ghost close up
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Dancing with the Ghosts
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Dancing with the Ghosts
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: The birth of a legend
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: This-War-of-Mine
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: The day the world collapsed...
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Eternal love
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Clan Nosferatu
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Modern Ninja Full Length
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Modern Ninja
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Modern Ninja 2
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Ivy drawing
Soo-Yun "Ivy" Kim: Lou Lecarpentier