friendsintheair: Black-shouldered Kite
DaveSPN: A Pest - HWW
DaveSPN: Hiding In Plain Sight - HWW
DaveSPN: Found Something Tasty
DaveSPN: Hello
calook: Cormorant
friendsintheair: Flame Robin
birdsaspoetry: Crested Pigeon: First Impressions Count #03
madden75220: Mizithres view⛰️⛰️
birdsaspoetry: Crested Pigeon: First Impressions Count #01
birdsaspoetry: Little Pied Cormorant: I've Got This
friendsintheair: Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater
friendsintheair: Spiny -cheeked Honeyeater
birdsaspoetry: Pied Oystercatcher: Here I come Ready or Not
DaveSPN: Checking The Menu
r reeve: Friendly King Parrot
friendsintheair: Nankeen Kestrel
Electrolyte: Considering Coffee at Eleven
DaveSPN: Table For One
DaveSPN: Watching
friendsintheair: White-faced Heron
DaveSPN: Yellow
DaveSPN: Shy
DaveSPN: Coming At Me
birdsaspoetry: Greater Crested Tern: Missed the Memo
patrickkavanagh: Spotted Harrier (Circus assimilis)
DaveSPN: On The Launch Pad
patrickkavanagh: Red-necked Stint (Calidris ruficollis)
friendsintheair: Black-fronted Dotterel
birdsaspoetry: Nankeen Kestrel: Warming in the Sunshine