Cosmicwarr: Happy Pride Month from Fire Department Hathian's LGBT+ & allies!
Cosmicwarr: Dale's New Job Vudu Spice
Cosmicwarr: Dale Eye
Cosmicwarr: Dale, Ensley and Zeek in Delphine Backwaters
Cosmicwarr: Viv and Rhys
Cosmicwarr: Pawn Shop Shooting
Cosmicwarr: Bath time.
Cosmicwarr: Dale's Hathian's 2024 Workplace Thirst Trap Challenge!
Cosmicwarr: Unplanned Vacations and Spa Treatments
Cosmicwarr: Merry Christmas from Dale
Cosmicwarr: Don't ask Dale for a raise or PTO today!
Cosmicwarr: Chief Warrhol and Captain Messmer
Cosmicwarr: Chief Warrhol and Lt. CJ Jones
Cosmicwarr: Dale knows just what he is.
Cosmicwarr: sexy firefighter_013 (2)
Cosmicwarr: sexy firefighter_012 (2)
Cosmicwarr: sexy firefighter_011 (2)
Cosmicwarr: Rhys and espi burned celebrating in the rubble
Cosmicwarr: Rhys and Espi smoking on a back hoe
Cosmicwarr: HPD wrekt_007
Cosmicwarr: HPD wrekt_006
Cosmicwarr: HPD wrekt_005
Cosmicwarr: HPD wrekt_003 (2)
Cosmicwarr: HPD wrekt_002
Cosmicwarr: HPD wrekt_001
Cosmicwarr: Rhys finger complete 2
Cosmicwarr: Rhys with beer complete
Cosmicwarr: Rhys smoking complete