toby_shain: 20240821-DSCF4651.jpg
toby_shain: 20240821-DSCF4670.jpg
toby_shain: 20240821-DSCF4674.jpg
toby_shain: 20240821-DSCF4648.jpg
toby_shain: Down in the tunnel
toby_shain: Servo
toby_shain: Carpark Colours
toby_shain: Waiting
toby_shain: Commute
toby_shain: Town Hall Busker
toby_shain: CBD Building Patterns
toby_shain: Contrast
toby_shain: Edinburgh Castle
toby_shain: CBD Building Patterns
toby_shain: Haberfield
toby_shain: Wildplay Garden, Centennial Park #3
toby_shain: Wildplay Garden, Centennial Park #2
toby_shain: Wildplay Garden, Centennial Park #1
toby_shain: Bathing Bin Chicken
toby_shain: 20240727-DSCF4153.jpg
toby_shain: A Diptych of Friends
toby_shain: Thoughts
toby_shain: Industry
toby_shain: Praising the beer gods
toby_shain: Runaway
toby_shain: Cafe Shadows on Expired Film
toby_shain: The old tigers leagues club, Victoria Rd
toby_shain: The Grounds, Alexandria
toby_shain: Exploring the city streets with an Expired roll of T-Max 3200